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What is Bee Pollen?


Many people do not know what bee pollen is or what it has to offer. Bee Pollen is one of nature's most powerful foods. It is flower pollen that bees collect for food.  Bee pollen offers a treasure of special plant nutrients.  Here are some of the qualities that make Bee Pollen unique: 


1. Bee Pollen contains high quality nutrients that can be burned as fuel, it also provides nutrients that are helpful in maintaining and promoting health.

2. The wide range of nutrients found in Bee Pollen include vitamins, enzymes, beneficial fatty acids, free amino acids, chelated minerals and trace elements, polyphenols, as well as a host of phytonutrients that have yet to be identified. This diversity makes Bee Pollen an ideal dietary supplement as a complement and boost to a well-rounded diet.

3. The nutrients in Bee Pollen are very concentrated. This concentration of nutrients means that even small amounts provide effective and valuable levels of important nutrients.  Bee pollen, as a food source or as a supplement, provides high intensity nutrition.



4.  A word of caution for all people using bee pollen:  Test for sensitivity of each pollen type by selecting 1 granule of each color and eating it.  Then watch for any allergic reaction.  If you have an allergic reaction you must then gradually build up the amount of Bee Pollen you use each day.  If you are highly allergic to Bees you may not be able to eat Bee Pollen.  Each time you get a new supply of bee pollen you should check for sensitivity.

5.  Because bee pollen contains all nutrients need to sustain life, it is being used on an ever-larger scale for human nourishment and health.   Science has not been able to duplicate bee pollen in the laboratory.  The chemical analysis from scientific research, however, has proven that all the nutrients humanity needs for complete life support is already present in bee pollen.  In other words, if no other foods were available, one could live on bee pollen and water for a considerable amount of time.

6.  Bee Pollen provides about 20-35% protein by dry weight volume.  It contains all the amino-acids, the building blocks of protein; 10 major minerals; 16 vitamins and hormones; a minimum of 10-12 pigments such as carotene, flavonols, quercitin and lycopene; reducing sugars (avg. 15%); non-reducing sugars (avg. 3%); human growth hormone factor; hormones (Gonadatropic estrogenic) not measured.  Bee pollen also contains an anticarcinogenic principle and has been proven to lessen side effects experienced with chemotherapy and irradiation.

7.  Bee pollen is very rich in rutin (which strengthens the capillaries), and may have the highest content of any source, plus a very high amount of the nucleics, RNA and DNA.  Clinical tests show bee pollen administered to anemic infants considerably increases their level of hemoglobin.  Bee pollen also contains variable quantities of an antibiotic potent against E.colo.  In summation, a quote from Dr. G.J. Binding, British scientist and nutritionist: "Bee pollen is the finest, most perfect food.  It is a giant germ-killer in which bacteria simply cannot exist.  The health restoring property of honeybee pollen not only builds up strength and energy in the body, but also gives increased resistance to infection."






Bee Pollen
Excerpt from "Conscious Eating"

By Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

"Let your food be your medicine.....let your medicine be your food."

Bee Pollen is a potent antiradiation food as well as a general health enhancer. Bee pollen helps to support the immune system and protects both red and white blood cells against their usual depletion from radiation. Bee pollen is extremely high in vitamins A,B,C,and E, nucleic acids, lecithin,cysteine and vital minerals such as selenium, calcium , magnesium, etc.

One study reported in "fighting radiation and Chemical Pollutants With Foods, Herbs and Vitamins," conducted by Dr. Peter Hernuss at the University of Vienna's Womans Clinic, showed that Bee Pollen significantly reduced the usual side effects of both radium and cobalt-60 radiotherapy in 25 women treated for inoperable uterine cancer. As compared to the women who did not receive Bee Pollen, the Bee Pollen women had half as much nausea, 80% less loss of appetite, 50% less sleep, urinary, and rectal disorders, and 30% less general malaise and weakness after the treatment.

Bee Pollen is much more than simply a radiation protection food. It is a food that I recommend to take regularly as part of the conscious eaters approach whether or not you are concerned with radiation protection. BEE POLLEN IS THE PROCREATIVE LIFE FORCE OF THE PLANT WORLD.

"Pollen is the finest food and best medicine ever discovered. Pollen contains the richest source yet revealed of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes and fats. Pollen also contain other substances that defy identification."

This is the opinion of Dr. G. J. Binding, M.B.E.,F.R.H.S., a British scientist, author and world famous expert on nutrition. Dr. Binding feels that the honeybee pollen has a powerful life force that:

"...not only builds up strength and energy in the tired body, but acts as a tonic. People have more vigor, vitality, and incresed resistence to infection.......Honeybee pollen has shown itself to be a complete nourishment in every sense of the word."

The high life force in the pollen comes from the million of living plant forces contained in the pollen. Each pollen granule contains four million pollen grains. One teaspoon contains two and one half billion to ten billion pollen grains. Each one of these grains is the male semen, seed or germ cell of the plant kingdom. Every pollen grain has the power to fertilize and create a fruit , grain, vegetable, flower or a tree. POLLEN IS ULTIMATE BIOGENIC FOOD. It is filled with the life force of the entire plant kingdom.

The Bible mentions Bee Pollen 68 times. The Talmud, the Koran, ancient Chinese scriptures, and Roman and Greek civilizations, as well as the Russian and Slavic people have all praised Bee Pollen and honey as a source of rejeuvenation and health. Many Greek philosophers claimed that bee pollen held the secret to eternal youth!

Pollen is said to contain all the elements neccesary to sustain human life. The San Francisco Reasearch Foundation estimates that pollen has more than 5000 different enzymes and co-enzymes, which is more than any food in existence. The high amount of enzymes such as catalyse and amalyse and pectin splitting enyzmes make it an aid to digestion. Some research suggests that pollen is absorbed directly from the stomach into the bloodstream. Pollen is a source of vegetarian source of human-active B-12, most of the b vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E, rutin, all the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, linoleic acid, fats, complex carbohydrates, simple sugars, RNA, DNA, steroid hormone substances, a plant hormone similar to the human pituitary called gonadotropin, 15% lecitin, and many other unknown factors.

According to research by doctors from France, Italy and the USSR, pollen is the richest source of protein in nature. Gram for gram pollen contains an estimated 5-7 times more protein than meat eggs or cheese. The protein in pollen is in a predigested form and therefore is easy to assimilate. Pollen is also abundant in minerals and trace minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium, copper, silicon, sulphur choline, titanium and sodium. These minerals are highly assimilable because they are bound organically from plant metabolism.

According to Dr. Airola, research in Russia and Sweden has found that Bee Pollen is both rejuevenating and life prolonging. Bee pollen improves general health, prevents disease, boosts the immune system, stimulates and rejeuvenateds the glandular system. M. Esperrois, M.D., of the French instiute of chemistry , concluded from his experiments that pollen contains potent antibiotics and also reverses the aging of the skin. Research reported by Dr. Airola has found that bee pollen is good for prostate difficulties, hemorroids, asthma, allergies, digestive disorders, curing intestinal putrefaction, chronic bronchitis, multiple sclerosis, gastric ulcers,,arthritis , hayfever, and posses anti-aging properties. According to Dr. Alain Caillais, in "Le Pollen," 35 grams of pollen a day would satisfy the total nutritional needs of the average person. That is about three and one half tablespoons per day. Dr. Airola feels that it fullfills Hippocrates requirement of the ideal food:

"Let your food be your medicine.....let your medicine be your food"

Pollen is harvested by the female worker bee when she brushes up against anthers of the flower. The pollen sticks to her legs. When she returns to the hive, she passes through a screan that rubs off some of the pollen pellets.

Depending on ones's health, taste and sensitivities, a good supplemental amount is one teaspoon to one tablespoon a day.



Dosage: Take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon 2 times per day. Take in water or juice, sprinkled on cereals or fruit, or mix in a shake.  

Warning: Allergy sufferers may experience a severe reaction.


Bee Pollen is rich in vitamins (especially vitamins B12 and E), has 22 amino acids, 27 minerals (including calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron), trace elements and over 5000 enzymes and coenzymes.


Bee Pollen is a highly nutrient rich food, which can support many aspects of your health.  Known as ambrosia or food of the gods bee pollen has been used for centuries as a food source and to increase energy and stamina. The Ancient Greek Olympians used pollen to improve their performance in the arena, and modern athletes have followed their example.

Bee pollen is the richest natural source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals yet discovered - The Institute of Apiculture, Taranow, USSR

Pollen is the finest, most perfect food - a giant germ killer. The health restoring properties of honeybee pollen have been proven time and time again.
British Scientist Dr. G.J.Binding, MBE FRHS

What is Bee Pollen?  In its original state, bee pollen is a fine powder composed of thousands of microscopic particles which are discharged from the anther of a flower. Pollen is a major food source for the bees and the worker bees travel from flower to flower collecting pollen in special baskets on their legs. Worker bees collect more than the hive needs, so beekeepers have devised screens to scrape off some pollen as the bees enter the hive.

Chemical Analysis of Honeybee Pollen

Honeybee pollen and raw honey are the only food on earth containing all 22 nutrients needed by mankind for complete and perfect health.

Provitamin A (carotenoids) 5-9 mg %
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 9.2 micrograms %
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B5 (panothenic acid)
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 5 micrograms %
Vitamin B12 (cyamoco balamin)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Vitamin D - Vitamin E
Vitamin H (biotin)
Vitamin K. Choline. Inositol
Folic Acid, 5 micrograms %
Pantothenic acid 20-50 micrograms/gram
Rutin. 16 milligrams %
Rutin in beehive pollen 13%
Vitamin PP (nicotinicamide)

Calcium. 1 - 15% of ash
Phosphorus 1-20% of ash
Iron, 1-12% of ash
0.01-1.3% of fresh pollen
0.6-7.1 mg % of air dried
Copper 05-08% of ash
1.1-2.1 mg % of fresh
Potassium, 20-45% of ash
Magnesium, 1-12% of ash
Manganese, 1.4% of ash, 0.75 mg %
Silica, 2-10% of ash
Sulphur, 1% of ash
Sodium - Titanium-Zinc
Iodine - Chlorine

Fatty Acids (Conifer Pollen)
Total list identified are:

Caproic (C-6) - Caprylic (C-8)
Capric (C-10) - Lauric (C-12)
Myristic (C-14) - Palmitic (C-16)
Palmitoleic (C-15) one double bond
Uncowa - Stearic (C-18)
Oleic (C-18) one double bond
Linoleic (C-18) two double bonds
Arachidic (C-20) - Stearic (C-22)
Limolenic (C-18 three double bonds)
Eicosanoic (C-20 one double bond)
Brucic (C-22 one double bond)
Pseudotduga dry pollen contains
0.76-0.89 % fatty acid. Major are:
Oleic, Palmitic, Linoleic,
Pinus dry pollen contains:
125-1.33% fatty acid based on
dry weight of pollen, major are:
Linolenic, Oleic - Stearic.

Enzymes & Co-enzymes:
Cytochrome systems
Lactic dehydrogenase
Succinic dehydrogenase

Note: The cozymase in mixed fresh pollen runs about 0.5-1 .0 milligram per gram. comparable to the amounts in yeast. (Bee pollen contains all known enzymes & co-enzymes and probably all that will be known in the future.)

Xarmmepayll, (20-150 micrograms per gram.)
Carotates (50-150% micrograms per gram.) Alpha & Beta Carotene

Fats & Oils: - 5%
Fatty acid (may be 5.8%)
Hexadecanol may be 0. 14% of pollen by weight.
Alpha-amino butyric acid is present in pollen fat.
Unsaponifiable fraction of pollen may be
2.6% by weight.

Water: 3-20% of fresh pollen

Waxes, Resins, Steroids, Growth Factors, Growth Isorhanetin, Vernine, Guanine, Xanthine, Hypoxanthine, Nuclein, Amines, Lecithin, Glucoside of Isorhanstin, Glycosides of Quercetir, Selenium, Nucleic acids flavonoids, phenolic acids, tarpenes & many other yet undefined nutrients.

Proteins, Globulins, Peptones, and Amino Acids:
7-35%. average 20%: 40-50%
may be free amino acids: 10-13% consists
of amino acids in dry pollen.
35 grams of pollen per day can satisfy the
protein requirements of man. 25 grams of
pollen per day can sustain man because it
contains 6.35 grams as indicated by Rose.
Plus other amino acids.

Pollen contains the same number of amino acids, but vary greatly in quantity of each:
Tryptophan 1.6% - Leucine 5.6% Lysine 5.7% - Isoleucine 4.7% Methionine 1.7% - Cystine 0.6% Thresonine 4.6% - Arginine 4.7% Phenylalanine 3.5% - Histidine 1.5% Valine 6.0% - Glutamic acid 2.1% Tyrosine - Glycine - Serine - Proline - Alanine - Aspartic acid Hydroxyproline - Butyric Acid.

Gums - Pentosans - Cellulose Sporonine
(7-57% of pollen of various species:
29% in bee collected.)
Starch (0-22% of pollen)
Total sugars (30-40%)
Sucrose or cane sugar
Levulose or fruit sugar / fructose
Glucose or grape sugar
Reducing sugars (0.1-19%)
Bee-collected: Non-reducing sugar 2.71%.
Reducing: 18.82-41.21% Mean. 25.71%

A nutrient is a molecule you must have, but the body cannot manufacture. You have to ingest (eat) it. If you don't have it, at first you will not feel well. It you don't get it for a longer time, you will begin to feel sick. If you don't get it for too long a time you are probably going to die.

Each ounce of honeybee pollen contains just 28 calories. Only 7 grams are carbohydrate, plus 15% Lecithin, the substance that burns away fat and 25% is pure protein.

Twenty-eight minerals are found in the human body. Fourteen are vital, essential elements present in such small amounts that they are called - "micro- nutrients." Honeybee pollen contains all 28 minerals:
Alpha-Amino-Butyric Acid

3 teaspoons = 1 Tablespoon / 2 Tablespoons = 1 ounce



Composition: Pure Bee Pollen



Bee pollen has been considered to have the following nutrients:

Vitamins: Provitamin A, B-1 Thiamin, B-2 Riboflavin, B-3 Nancin, B-5, B-6 Pyridoxine, B-12 (cyanocobalamine), Pantothenic acid, Vitamin C, F, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin H, Vitamin K, Vitamin PP, Folic Acid, Choline, Inositol, Rutin.

Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Copper, Iodine, Zinc, Sulfur, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Boron, Silica, and Titanium.

Other: Amino Acid, Carbohydrates, Fatty Acids, Enzymes & Co-Enzymes, Fats.

Bee Pollen contains at least 22 amino acids, 18 vitamins, 25 minerals, 59 trace elements, 11 enzymes or co-enzymes, 14 fatty acids, 11 carbohydrates and approximately 25 % protein. Bee pollen is extremely rich in carotenes, which are metabolic precursors of vitamin A. It is also high In B complex and vitamins C, D, E and Lecithin. Bee pollen contains over 50 % more protein than beef, yet its fat content is very low. It is also an excellent vegetarian source of protein typically possessing more of the essential amino acids, pound for pound, than animal proteins like meat, eggs, and dairy products.


Daily use of pollen also ensures an intake of the more obscure, yet essential trace minerals that may be lacking from commercially grown produce and are often not included in vitamin mineral supplements. Most of us are unaware that the nutrients supplied by cooked fruits, vegetables and meats are not considered fresh because their enzymes have been exposed to high heat. Even taking a multivitamin can't offer the superior nutrient array of raw and fresh food.

Bee Pollen for Human Consumption

A list of book(lets) that refer to Bee Pollen for Human Consumption provided by James Mosvick:

• Bee Pollen: Miracle Food by Dr. Felix Murat
• Folk Medicine by D.C. Jarvis, MD
• About Pollen: Health Food and Healing Agent by G.J. Binding
• Health Secrets from Europe by Paavo O. Airola, MD
• The Healing Power of Pollen and other products of beehive by Maurice Hanssen
• New Factbook on Bee Pollen and your Health by Carlson Wade
• Bee Pollen: Super Energy-Super Nutrition by William H. Lee, R.Ph, Ph.D.
• Wonderful World of Bee Pollen by Joe M. Parkhill
• Honeybee Pollen and the New You by James A. Devlin, Ph.D.
• American Bee Journal (Sept. 1993)
• Les Trois Aliments Miracles by Alin Caillas
• Le Pollen by Alin Caillas
• Curative Properties of Honey and Bee Venom by N. Yoirich

Man's search for youth and health leads to the Beehive. Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen are the timeless wonder foods, an all-natural creation, even a source of life. In the past decade, science has discovered that Bee Pollen and Royal Jelly contain a miracle concentration of nearly all the known nutrients. Please E-mail us for us for Distribution Information.


Pollen: Health Food and Healing Agent

by Stan Kalson, B.A.

Pollen is a fine powdery substance produced by the anthers of flowering plants and is gathered by the bee. Mixed with secretions from the bee, a substance is formed called bee pollen. Some people have allergies to the bee secretions and other materials mixed with the pollen in the process of the bee collecting the pollen. In Sweden they have developed a more effective way of using the flower pollen directly from the flowers. Researchers at the AB Cernelle Company have studied pollen grains and their use as a dietary supplement. Not only have they researched pollen grains' part in plant reproduction, but they have also examined what these golden yellow grains can do to enrich our diet. These pollen grains are a natural wholesome food source, which can replenish our sometimes nutritionally inadequate American diet.

Researchers discovered in their laboratories that honey and pollen were a natural food source supplying nutrient dense food. If ancient people successfully used pollen as a food source, then modern people would definitely benefit from pollen. Plants use pollen nutrients for life and bees use pollen as an important food source. Then, it makes sense that man would benefit from using these pollens.

Miracle of Flower Pollen

Until fairly recent times the miracle of flower pollen has been left entirely to the plant world, but deep research has proved it to be a food from natural organic sources, free from added preservatives, color or chemicals. Flower pollen contains the richest source yet revealed of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, and fats. As with honey and royal jelly, pollen is surrounded by a certain amount of mystery in that it contains other substances, which so far defy identification.

Intensive research into the fascinating subject of pollen has been taking place in twenty different countries. At the University of Arizona it was discovered that antibiotics were present in pollen. Within hours of being put on a slide, with a mixture of boric acid and agar to accelerate germination, pollen grains will have grown tails. Such germination can only be revealed under the microscope. This does not occur when pollen is taken as a food. An important attribute of pollen is its ability to transform its life force and allow plants to reproduce.

Vitamin Content of Pollen

The nutrition contained in pollen is of vast importance to beekeepers, farmers, fruit growers and recently to animal breeders. In Sweden it has been proven that pollen is equally useful to doctors and nutrition advisers for treating people of all ages.

Scientific analysis shows that pollens contain large amounts of nutrients including vitamins A, B12, D, E, C (ascorbic acid), and K. Also present are inositol, biotin, thiamin, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Rutin is also available; the richest supply of this essential substance being found in buckwheat pollen (this being understandable as Rutin is derived from buckwheat). Additional nutrients contained in pollen are lecithin, amines, nuclein, guanine, zanthine, hydrocarbons, sterols and growth factors. The expert or layperson will appreciate the many nutrients in these tiny flower pollen grains.

Mineral Content

According to the variety of pollen obtained, the important minerals contained are calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur and titanium. Mineral and trace elements are vital for health and are found in minute quantities in pollen. The scientific thought was that these small amounts of mineral and trace elements did not make an impact on the body. Taken daily experts have more recently confirmed that we need only small amounts of these vital substances for good health.

Amino Acids and Protein

The amino acids in whole dry pollen fluctuate between 10 and 13 percent and this equals from five to seven times the amino acids in equal weights of beef, eggs or cheese. Because pollen is such a concentrated food, we would not consume equal quantities of pollen as compared to other amino nutrient dense foods. Nevertheless, we can see the wonderful amino food value pollen really has.

Amino acids are absolutely vital for good health and play an important part in our lives. There are twenty-one known amino acids, and the human body is able to produce all except eight, which are sometimes referred to as essential amino acids. A diet containing quantities of food with these essential amino acids is necessary for lasting health. Other complete protein foods containing the essential amino acids include soybeans, wheat germ, liver, meats, skimmed milk, eggs, and nuts. All pollens contain exactly the same number of amino acids, but different species of pollen have varying amounts of each. Such variations depend upon the source of flowers and blooms supplying the pollen and the type of soil where the plants are growing.


A number of enzymes have been found in pollen and these include amylase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diaphorase, diastase, cozymase, cytochrome, pectase, phosphatase, sucrase, and also lactic acids. Pollen compares very favorably to yeast as a complete food when it is revealed that a mixture of fresh pollen can contain up to 1,000 micrograms of cozymase per gram. The alcoholic fermentation of pollen and yeast is identical.

Sugars, Carbohydrates and Fats

There are quite a variety of sugars and carbohydrates in whole pollens in the form of cane sugar (sucrose), fruit sugar (cellulose), grape sugar (glucose). Pollen also has gums, fats, and oils. The total fats and oils are only about 5 percent on an average.

Benefits of Flower Pollen

  • Supplies vital nutrients to the body and cells (including all essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and enzymes).

  • Improves absorption of vitamins, minerals and trace elements from the food we eat.

  • Enables better adaptation to stress, enhancing physical and mental capacity.

  • 20 to 1 ratio water - soluble to fat - soluble

  • Gives added vitality

  • Regular use provides long - lasting benefits.

  • Helps bio-regulate organism functions such as:

    • Immune system

    • Lipid metabolism

    • Blood cholesterol level

    • Function of prostate

In spite of the 30 years of development, the flower pollen industry is just beginning to show its potential. Sweden has played a leading role in making discoveries about flower pollen and now mechanically harvests crops. Swedish researchers found a way to break through the pollen husk and collect the nutrients so vital to improving human nutrition. This demonstrates how progress has been made from a beekeeper with a few hives in 1950 to many varieties of pollen preparations for health, medicine and beauty aids supplied to many countries in the world.

The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Stanley Steven Kalson is the founder/director of the International Holistic Center, Inc. and the author of the Holistic H.E.L.P. Handbook and Directory. For additional information and your questions answered: send a SASE to: Stan Kalson, PMB 5-129, International Holistic Center, Inc., 5515 N. 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85014. 602-287-0605. Read more ARTICLES by checking our Internet site: http://www.holisticresources.org


Excerpts taken from

  • All About Pollen, Author: G.J. Binding Copyright 1980 Thorsons Publishers Limited, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

  • The Prostate Cure, by Dr. Harry G. Preuss, and The Prostate Miracle, by Dr. Jesse A. Stoff.

Published studies and journal articles available in downloadable format at http://www.graminex.com


The general RDA is about one tablespoon (measured).

1 pound of pollen contains approximately 31 tablespoons (measured).  Each Tablespoon is equal to about .516 ounces or 14.7 grams.

Everyone on this earth is different so once you feel you are approaching perfect health and feel you have more energy and stamina than ever before, then you must personally regulate the amount of pollen you eat each meal for life.

You can stir it in with fruit juices, mix with applesauce, yogurt, or honey.  Sprinkle on your  salad or cereal.   Add to protein drinks, milk, shakes and sodas.  Use your imagination or just enjoy "as is".  In other words there are many different ways to take the bee pollen.

We always recommend that anyone with any unhealthy condition or suspected sensitivity see their doctor before ingesting honeybee pollen.  This is strictly a suggestive guideline and your physician should be consulted if you are in question.


The honeybee collects only the purest of pollens.  It avoids all toxic plants, including those contaminated with pesticides.  (Back to top)






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