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Beekeeping Class
Fee: $10.00 to cover conference room and expenses
The goal of this class is to help beekeepers who want to make money with bees. We will teach beekeeping techniques that will allow the beekeeper to make a full crop of honey in the first few months of spring 2020 (April - May), then be able to divide their hives for hive increase or to sell nucs and hives to other beekeepers.
We are commercial beekeepers and we have been keeping bees for 54 years.
Below is a class agenda. We will begin at 3:00 P.M.
Beekeepers are not taking advantage of the Phoenix area winter climate to grow their beehives. The best time to purchase honeybees is in November and grow them into very strong triple deep beehives by the middle of March 2020. The nectar flow is the strongest in March, April and May. We harvest over 100 pounds of honey per beehive by the first week of May in most years, then split our hives to make increase to grow our business or sell to other beekeepers. We will teach you how to do the same.