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A-Bee Honey
Updated February 3, 2006
Honey for Grower Markets
New this year: Sell honey and honey products produced from your farm at your grower markets this year.
A-Bee Honey will place hives at your farms, harvest the honey and provide it to you at wholesale prices to sell at your grower markets.
Pollination fees are increasing nationwide due to increased costs, loss of bees to mites and disease and demand for more hives in the farmers fields.
Rates have increased. They are now $75.00 to $160.00 per hive. Orchards and farms need at least 2 hives per acre for effective pollination. This can mean a substantial cost to you either way you choose. Reduce the bees and reduce your crop. Increase the bees and your pollination fees are increased.
Our rate varies from $75.00 to $160.00 per hive, but this is offset with $75.00 to $160.00 per hive in honey that is a blend of honey from your farm. We will bottle and label the honey for you and can place a label on the honey indicating that this is honey produced by our bees on your farm or orchard.
We averaged $160.00 in honey (honey only) sales 6 days a week last year and had sales of $350.00 in honey alone on the peak days (Sundays). This can mean a substantial profit boost to your bottom line.
We receive the pollination fee at the time we deliver the bee hives and you receive the honey at each harvest. If you need additional honey we will continue to sell it to you at the wholesale prices.
This service is available for the small grower who needs less than 15 hives. If you are a commercial grower, and would like to participate in a similar program please go to: Commercial Orchard & Farm Pollination.